Extra Virgin Olive Oil

MOLON LAVE is an extra virgin olive oil of superior category which is naturally clear and exclusively obtained from olives of one crop year. Our olive oil is produced by MOLON LAVE producers’ group from Lakonia with respect to the traditional cultivation methods and by the Knowledge and Innovation of implementing sustainable practices. We create products with high nutritional value for our daily meals.

ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗ are large Kalamon Olives of one crop year with thin skin, solid body and fruity aromas preserved in brine and Extra Virgin Olive Oil MOLON LAVE.

ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗ in Greek means engraved. They are produced by the Lakonian traditional recipe of G.S. Vlachos family, since 1969.

The engraving of Kalamon Olives is part of a traditional procedure that has been going on for many decades in Lakonia. This procedure ensures that the taste of the olive is preserved in an absolutely natural way, due to the ingredients of salt and vinegar which permeate the olive crust and delicate it.

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MOLON LAVE is unique because it is


PGI Lakonia

It is characterized by stable quality features and by Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).

One Crop Year

Olive Oil exclusively obtained from olives of one crop year.

Naturally Clear

It precipitates naturally and has not undergone any technical treatments.

Cold Extraction

The extraction procedure takes place <27οC in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of olive oil.

Directly from the producer

It is produced by the very same olive oil growers who operate and participate in the Group of Producers MOLON LAVE.

Sustainable Cultivation

It is produced by the optimum cultivation practices environmental friendly according to the quality standard of Integrated Management System.

Highly bioactive with AFQ


Highly Bioactive

Highly bioactive. Certified for the bioactivity of its composition for the benefit of human health & wellness, according to the European AFQ certification mark.
AFQ (Activity FoodOxys Quality) evaluates and compares a wide range of products, categorised according to the European Union and US Food and Drug Administration’s Food and Beverage Code. It provides consumers with valuable answers regarding the quality characteristics and beneficial properties of the products they choose.

Our Products

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil which is naturally clear from olives of one crop year obtained solely by mechanical means.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil / Organic

Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Organic farming, exclusively obtained from olives of one crop year. It is packaged unfiltered after the process of extraction.

Kalamon Olives – ΧΑΡΑΚΤΗ

Kalamon Olives (engraved) of one crop year in brine and extra virgin olive oil MOLON LAVE.



participate in our producers’ group



import our olive oil



who collaborate



of olive fruit to harvest


tons of olive oil

produced each year

Our Olive Oil

MOLON LAVE extra virgin olive oil encapsulates


Protect the soil


I save water


I support sustainable production


I am part of a local producers’ group

The cycle of Sustainability

Integrated Management System

Sustainability as the main strategy constitutes the most optimal answer in order to safeguard the long-lasting viability of our production, our olive groves and our land. Sustainability is our comparative advantage and the path of growth for future generations.

With respect to our place of origin we act as the reference point be our village and not only our field.  The protection and maintenance of the local communities requires the respect of the local biodiversity.

MOLON LAVE producers’ group is certified by the quality standard of Integrated Management System.

MOLON LAVE through its packaging highlights consumers’ role to contribute in the preservation of perpetual and sustainable cycle “from the field to the shelf”. We are all part of the same cycle. Sustainability is an issue that concerns all of us either of the production or the consumption aspect.